Species: Eurasian Eagle Owl | Location: Alabama Wildlife Center, United States of America
This photograph depicts a Eurasian eagle owl photographed in Pelham, Alabama in February 2017. This specific owl was once owned as a pet by a wealthy man living in the north, once rescued this owl now is a symbol for the Alabama Wildlife Center to better advocate to children why these majestic birds shouldn't be kept as pets.
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About The Photographer

Perspective is the only thing we have to inform us. The way we see the world and its components influences our beliefs, values, and opinions. Therefore, the ability to manipulate and control certain perspectives through my lens gives me the power to share my own unique view of the world. Photography is a way for me to convey my experiences without the use of words. As a photographer, I see everything in varying shades of beauty. As Susan Sontag once said, “Beauty is not inherent in anything. It is to be found by another way of seeing.” And I see it in the soft glow of morning light, in the millisecond of a butterfly flying away, or in the shy, insecure smirks of young women unaware of their own beauty. Beauty also means depth. Photographs can be flat. Some may lack dimension, and some are simply void of emotion. I try to capture not only a picture, but a story, a meaning, a feeling.