Species: Bumble Bee | Location: Grand Teton National Park, United States of America
This summer was bright yellow, purple, and green in the Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. I followed this busy bee around the wildflower fields trying to catch it in the act of pollinating the flowers that made the summer so vibrant with color. Take note of the almost microscopic pollen grains that coat the bee's furry body. These pollen grains were then transferred from flower to flower as the bee flitted through the landscape, aiding the flowers in their reproduction.
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About The Photographer

As the human population grows at the expense of invaluable habitats and species, there's an ever-growing need for conservation and awareness. My company, TerraLens Photography LLC, inspires awe of our planet's inherent beauty and encourages the responsible treatment of nature by drawing attention to wildlife conservation issues through photography and photojournalism.
Humans share an underlying connection with all living things on the entire planet, but we often forget about it. My photography and essays explore diverse conservation topics to find the moments where our separation from nature dissolves and we see our place in the universe correctly. I believe that when this happens, we're more likely to treat ourselves, others, and the planet with greater care and respect.