Species: Shield bug | Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I started my photography career photographing insects during my university days in my parent's back yard. Always fascinated with the macro world it was hard to pull me away and get on with regular living. To this day, over 40 years later, my strong passion is still alive and very strong.
While photographing these blue bells I spotted this shield bug and couldn't help but notice the contrasts of colour and shapes. It is still a joy to capture nature, big or small in all its glory!
About The Photographer

CANADA'S MOST ACCREDITED PROFESSIONAL Photographer by PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHERS OF CANADA (PPOC) Continuous from 1986-2001 until my semi-retirement and started teaching at the University of Calgary in 2000, Many awards and publications have accompanied him throughout his 30+ career, most of it in Vancouver. His expertise ranges from Architectural to Aerials, Entomology to Landscapes, Portrait to Sports, Photojournalism and may more fields. Stefan's Stock Imagery and published works are represented by Getty Images and Access Copyright. Some of his published works are large posters ranging from Vancouver to New York, over 10 Hockey books under the title of "Hockey the NHL Way" and coffee table books. His diverse range of clients include Forbes magazine, Canadian Government, Kodak, London Sunday times, McDonald's, Michelin Tire, and Rolls Royce to name a few.