Species: Bengal Tiger | Location: Ranthambore National Park, India
We came by an area of tall grass where others claimed a tiger had entered earlier in the afternoon. We waited for a while to see if anything of interest might happen. A small herd of spotted deer came by to graze. This tiger, identified as Pacman, came rushing out in a failed attempt at an afternoon meal. Since missing a meal there was nothing much else to do, on a very hot Indian afternoon, except lie down. Pacman looked right at us as if to say, “you may take my photo now.” This photo was taken on Nat Hab's India's Tigers & Wildlife: A Photo Safari
About The Photographer

I am a retired graphic arts/digital media instructor. I spent 36 years in the classroom teaching grades 9-12 in a small rural school district in northeastern Pennsylvania. I am enjoying the opportunity to travel and explore the natural world.