Species: Black-tailed Godwit, Black-winged Stilt, Glossy Ibis | Location: Chilka Lake, Manglajodi, Odihsa, India, India
The wetlands of Chilka lagoon in India are popular for migratory as well as resident birds. All of them have shared this majestic habitat which is very much secure due to government initiatives and actions of local people. Here we have photographed three distinct species - (1) Black-tailed Godwit, (2) Black-winged Stilt and (3) Glossy Ibis, in one frame.
About The Photographer

I am an assistant professor in geography discipline which deals with human and its surrounding environment. Wildlife and colours of nature attracts me continuously all day. I want to frame each moment of natural life which gives me pleasure and peace. Since 2010 I am engaged in birding and wildlife photography.