Species: Red Tail Hawk | Location: California, United States
I am a seasonal biologist specializing in Sage Grouse work. During my off season I spend my time exploring and making petty cash as a waitress. Before shifts, I took the long road to work that wound its way through some old ranch lands. I started taking this route daily and became familiar with the hawks that hunted those fields. There were two red-tails and a pair of red shoulders that never ceased putting a smile on my face. One morning I grabbed my camera on a whim, and as I was approaching the first field I saw this beauty sitting majestically on a fence post not even 30 feet from my car. I stopped the car, grabbed my camera and prayed he wouldn't flush. I snapped a series of pictures and instantly knew I got the shot. As a photographer, you know, you know when you get that winning shot. You could take a thousand photographs of the same scene, but when the shutter closes on that perfect picture, the one you had envisioned, the one that says everything you are trying to say, you know. I knew. And here I am, sharing it with you.
About The Photographer

My name is Kelly Bartron. I am a student, a daughter, and a Christian. I am a baker, a bookworm, and a bacon advocate. I am a hiker, an animal lover, and a tree hugger. I have an irrational crush on Rob Thomas and have a knack for cheesy jokes. I am a clock watcher, a Pixar fan, and a morning person. I am honest, have a soft spot for brownies, and find my peace in the great outdoors.
I have always had a desire to capture nature and all its beauty. Sharing images of my passions gives me hope that I might inspire others to care for and take pride in our natural world.