Species: Migratory Birds | Location: Uttar Pradesh, Nawabganj Bird Sanctuary, India
When air hits certain feathers at the right speed and angle it causes them to vibrate. And this rapid oscillation produces sound. Birds taken a sudden flight splashing the waters at the time of a perfect winter sunset around 4:02 PM making it a creative shoot. Taken at Nawabganj Bird Sanctuary famous for migratory birds is near the city of Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh, India.
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About The Photographer

Wildlife photography is my passion as I was born and brought up in Lucknow Cantonment area which used to have lots of deer and some wild animals, during my school days I used to capture them with my old film camera.
I completed my studies in Fashion Designing from the Indian capital Delhi. However, i could not pursue a carrier in the fashion industry further, because of my commitments to my marriage and my children. I picked it up again in last few years, this time with digital cameras and have captured various moods of the forest and their inhabitants.
Apart from wildlife photography my friends insist that i show them shots of nature, historical monuments and cultures within and outside the country as I love to travel a lot with my family.