Species: Cheetah | Location: Serengeti, Tanzania
Ahh... The energetic and streamlined cheetah has to be one of my favorites in Tanzania. They only eat what they hunt, and are found in the grasslands, savannas, and woodlands of Africa. They are the fastest land animal in the world and are capable of running at top speeds of 70-75 mph. But it's their agility that allows them to capture prey. While not endangered, cheetahs are nevertheless considered vulnerable and exhibit very little genetic variation. It is thought that during the last Ice Age they had somewhat of a bottleneck in their breeding.
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About The Photographer

Marcos Rocano is a photographer and paramedic based in Iquitos, Peru. As a paramedic on the expeditionary cruise ship Zafiro, his responsibilities include accompanying guests on all boat and land excursions on the Peruvian Amazon. His passion is photographing and documenting wildlife of the Amazon.