Species: Elephant | Location: Chobe River, Botswana
Near the beginning of our safari in Botswana, we set out on our cruise down the Chobe River, in Chobe National Park, with Botswana on one shore and Namibia on the other. To our astonishment, we saw a bachelor herd of 11 elephants swim the Chobe River - who knew?! The older ones lead the adolescents into the water. Our guide told us that they always follow the same path to the river, and cross at the same place. He also noted that the males weigh 6 tons and the females weight 5.5 tons. Another interesting note: The elephants’ front feet are round and their back feet are oval. With my wonderful 20x zoom, I got this picture of one of the elephants mid-river. Totally, totally awesome sight!
About The Photographer

Since retiring four years ago, I have happily pursued my passions of travel and photography. I especially love taking photos of animals and their habitats.