Species: Rufous-tailed hummingbird | Location: Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica
This photo was taken near Arenal Volcano on the lodge property in Costa Rica. The guide and I were wandering around the property, looking for birds. Marco left to scout while I waited by a patch of flowers. The sun was coming in and out, making it difficult to determine good camera settings. I noticed several hummingbirds and then decided to focus on a flower that seemed to be in the path of one of the birds. The camera was set for when the sun was behind the clouds and I didn't really notice when it popped out again. I waited for the bird to almost reach the flower and then pressed the button. Luckily most of the bird was in one plane of focus and I was able to get a sharp picture. With the sun out the shutter speed was fast enough to stop the motion of the wings.
See Marian's photography website for more amazing wildlife.
About The Photographer

I'm a world traveler who has been traveling the globe for the past 15 years, visiting places that are being most impacted by global warming. My initial photography interest was in macros of plants and flowers, but once I obtained a longer lens, I became and avid wildlife photographer. I enjoy visiting off-the-beaten-path places and capturing images of the flora and fauna. I also enjoy sharing these images and experiences with others through my web site and personal presentations.