Species: Gelada | Location: Simien Mountain National Park, Ethiopia
We were on our afternoon game drive in Simien Mountain Park in Ethiopia. It had been raining on and off all day. While the day was still gray, at least there was no rain coming down at this point. Our guide told us it was time to head back to the vehicle. Just as I was passing him he pointed out the two baby Gelada's fighting on the top of a rock. I quickly put down the tripod and took some shots. Geladas are now thought to be their own sub-species - not baboons or monkeys. They are endemic to this area.
To see more of Marian's work visit her website!
About The Photographer

I'm a world traveler who has been traveling the globe for the past 15 years, visiting places that are being most impacted by global warming. My initial photography interest was in macros of plants and flowers, but once I obtained a longer lens, I became an avid wildlife photographer. I enjoy visiting off-the-beaten-path places and capturing images of the flora and fauna. I also enjoy sharing these images and experiences with others through my web site and personal presentations.