Species: Jaguar | Location: Pantanal, Mato Grosso, Brazil
On the third day of our 5-day safari on the Cuiaba River in the Pantanal region of Brazil, we spent the first 3 hours of the morning tracking jaguars but with no luck. While gently cruising down a rivulet, our guide received word of a female jaguar spotted some distance from our location. On cue, our boat driver sped through the river cutting across waves to get us there as quickly as possible. After 20 minutes, we arrived at the location and caught a glimpse of the rosettes moving stealthily in water amongst some aquatic plants. And thus began our 4-hour epic journey observing this female jaguar hunt, who over that period of time walked for miles in search of food in 95 degree F temperatures, swimming across the river from one bank to the next multiple times. After many failed attempts, she finally managed to leap into the water amidst some vegetation to catch hold of a baby capy amongst a group of capybara lounging in the water unbeknownst of the danger lurking behind them.
This photo was clicked in the middle of the hunt, while the female jaguar was in the aquatic vegetation observing activity on the opposite end of the bank, before deciding to swim across.
About The Photographer

Amateur Photographer from New York, USA. Interested in wildlife, nature, landscape and city/street photography.