Species: Brown (Grizzly) Bear | Location: Brooks Camp, Katmai NP, Alaska, United States of America
After the 4 first year cubs had gone into Brooks River following mom Sow 402 with one of the cubs climbing onto her for safety, she ushered the other cubs back onto the bank and went back into the river with one cub still on her back. She started snorkeling, looking for salmon to catch while the three of the cubs on the bank watched. Thanks to katmai-bearcams.fandom.com, I was able to see that that all four of the cubs were still alive in Oct last year. They had grown significantly and gained plenty of weight for the winter. I was hopeful that the odds of their survival were looking good. This spring I saw that three of the four had made it through the winter. Although saddened that one didn't make it, having three survive is great testament to Sow 402 of being a skilled mom. I'm hoping that the cub that climbed on her is one of the three surviving yearlings.
About The Photographer

Love to photograph wildlife, birds, landscapes and wildflowers.