Species: Crabeater Seal | Location: Orne Harbor, Antarctica
We were zodiac cruising in Orne Harbor, Antarctica, looking for wildlife. I was in the rear of the zodiac. We found some Chinstrap Penguins and Fur Seals. While we were watching them the guide said Crabeater Seals were heading towards us. I looked around just as one dove under the boat, came up next to me and looked me in the eye.
Check out Marian's website for more of her fantastic wildlife images!
About The Photographer

I am a retired product management and development professional who now spends most of my time traveling the world taking photographs. I started taking pictures when I was six and continued my interest in photography in my adult life. I have won international photographic competitions, including 3 best-in-the-world nature print awards in the Kodak International Salon. I have also won an award in the Ocean Conservancy 2016 contest. Two of my images were featured in the 2018 Ocean Conservancy calendar and three images are in the 2019 calendar. My images have also been published in National Wildlife magazine, National Gardening magazine, Florida Wildlife magazine and on the World Wildlife Fund web site. I have exhibited in numerous juried art shows and galleries. When home, I give presentations to community groups about the countries and communities I’ve visited, and talk about the environmental changes I have captured in my photography.