Species: Brown (Grizzly) Bear | Location: Brooks Camp, Katmai National Park, Alaska, United States of America
After the cub, most likely the runt, climbed up on her, Mom (Sow 402) continued to bring her other cubs toward the shore where the river was flowing at a slower speed. The cubs in the water appeared to have calmed down, but were staying close to Mom for comfort.
About The Photographer

Started DSLR nature photography 2016 in preparation to a Natural Habitat Adventures trip to the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Parks and have been hooked ever since. After spending two weeks in Alaska last summer, including spending several days in Brooks Camp, a passion for photographing wildlife in their natural habitat has risen to another level. By capturing this and the previous photos (and many more that haven't been submitted) of this brave and patient mama bear and her cubs, I'd like to demonstrate why these and other wildlife, as well as the areas where they live, deserve to be protected.