Species: Drake wood duck | Location: Lehigh county, United States of America
I watched this wood duck for hours. I noticed him chasing all the other male ducks away from his girl. He would speed swim and chase them away. Then he wood dive under water several times to fix his feathers—he has to look good for his gal. Then he would pull his whole body out of the water and puff out his chest. He is so pretty and he knows it!
About The Photographer

Hi my name is Carol and I have always had a passion for photography. I used to watch my dad in the dark room develop his photos when I was little. I worked at a camera lab and learned even more. I love taking pictures of wildlife and birds. My love of birds started with my first trip to Conowingo Dam. I fell in love with the eagles. From there I started going to wild life places. Now I travel all over to see new things to take pictures of.