Species: American Grizzly Bear | Location: Denali National Park, United States of America
Denali National Park is home to an abundance of wildlife, and we were there to photograph them. Heading towards a new location on our Camp Denali bus we spotted this grizzly bear far off in the distance traveling towards us. Our driver pulled over as we watched this handsome fella come closer. Winter comes early to the wildlife in Alaska, and this beautiful beast had only had one thing on his mind...food. The bright green bushes bordering the road were full of red, ripe, plump berries - the perfect snack for a grizzly bear beefing up for a winter's nap. Luck was with us that day as our camera shutters clicked, photographing him from the safety of the bus and allowing him his space to feed without pressure from humans.
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About The Photographer

A freelance photographer and travel writer with restless shoes, my spirit soars in the presence of wild animals and natural beauty. My passion is to document our natural world to promote conservation and stewardship in an effort to protect our most valuable investment, our planet.