Species: Snow Geese, Tundra Swans | Location: PA, United States of America
In February at Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area snow geese invade the area as part of their migration. Average numbers are over 70,000. In 2007 they had a peek of 170,000. When they all take off the sight is amazing. The sound is almost deafening. It needs to be seen. There are normally some tundra swans that join them. Their numbers average 5,000-10,000.
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About The Photographer

I have done photography for 40 years, off and on. I never really combined my love of nature and my love of photography until a number of years ago. The last 6 years I got more serious about it and have become addicted to bird photography. But I love all nature and will attempt to take a picture of anything I come across. I became disabled 12 years ago and photography helped me to stop feeling sorry for myself and stop looking at all I can not do, and go do what I still can do. Living on disability makes travel and buying equipment hard to do. But I am blessed beyond my means with the equipment I have, thanks to some very generous people.