Species: Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) | Location: National Elk Refuge, Jackson, Wyoming, United States of America
The Bighorn Bandits Of Yellowstone And The Bighorn Brawlers Of Grand Teton Have An Annual Gathering To Square Off At The National Elk Refuge In Jackson, Wyoming. After Standing Around Kicking Each Other For Sometimes Hours, The Large Rams Begin To Square Off Going Head To Head. When Their Horns Meet, The Sounds Can Be Deafening And At The Elk Range Echoes Off The Surrounding Mountains. Once The Dust Settles The Winners Get To Choose Their Mate From The Adoring Females In The Area.
About The Photographer
In February of 2010, I was tired of staring at a computer screen for up to 18 hours a day. On my 36th birthday I quit my job and headed out to Snowbird Ski Resort in Utah to take a break and road trip for two months. While in Utah I discovered a couple of the national parks in the southern part of the state (Arches and Canyonlands) and fell in love.
A two-month break from the office has turned into a 6-year road trip (camping and living in the car) to all the National Parks in the lower 48 states as well as state parks, historic sites and a road trip through the Canadian Rockies.