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2017 Wildlife Photo Contest

African Wild Dogs, Hyena, Chief's Camp concession, Botswana
Hyena Attack

Species: African Wild Dogs, Hyena | Location: Chief's Camp concession, Botswana

Our guide found a family of African Wild Dogs, and we were watching and photographing the cubs playing with their dinner--an antelope jaw and ear! Suddenly a hyena rushed into the camp trying to take food or even kill the cubs, and the adult dogs attacked.

About The Photographer

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I experience life best when behind my camera, taking photos of everything!!! I began taking photos of family and friends many years ago and was eventually decided to take some evening classes to sharpen my amateur skills. As we were living the the UK at that time, I began attending Cities and Guilds 10 week evening classes from their offerings. After two years of courses, my instructor put my name forth as a possible medal winner for amateurs. I was chosen and invited to Buckingham Palace to receive my medal (minted in the Royal Mint) from Prince Phillip who was the Patron of C&G!!! Since that time 1996, I have continued to learn and stretch myself and shoot, shoot, shoot at every opportunity.
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Since 2003, Natural Habitat Adventures has partnered with World Wildlife Fund, the world’s leading environmental conservation organization, to offer conservation travel—sustainable travel that supports the protection of nature and wildlife. Nat Hab has provided more than $4 million to WWF and will continue to give 1 percent of gross sales plus $150,000 annually through 2023 in support of WWF’s mission to conserve nature and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of life on Earth.

Learn more about the Nat Hab/WWF partnership.