Species: Panthera tigris tigris | Location: Ranthambore National Park, India
Ranthambore National Park is one of the locations in India where Bengal tigers are being protected and making a comeback. Temperatures are hot enough midday that most animals, including tigers, take a siesta in the shade. Wildlife enthusiasts are most likely to see tigers in the early morning and late afternoon. This tiger was observed towards the end of the afternoon as the sun was starting to set. His arrival was preceded by a chorus of peacocks and the uneasy migration of chital and sambar deer. The solitary hunter emerged from an area of tall grass, marked on a tree and walked past our group of vehicles. He then headed off into a wooded area that was being bathed in the last rays of orange light. It was as if the trees were parting to let him pass.
About The Photographer
I am a biologist/geologist and work for a state environmental protection agency . I also have an artistic side that I have been trying to cultivate more aggressively as I approach retirement. Animals have always been my passion and I try to travel each year to a new exotic destination where I can observe new wildlife and plants and experience new (human) cultures. I am an amateur photographer, but try to hone my skills with each new adventure.