Species: Sandhill Crane | Location: Pennsylvania (area known as Black Swamp state game lands and the Volant Strips), United States
While checking out a few roads and State game lands in Plain Grove, Pennsylvania where we often see hawks and owls vy for the same fields, I was also hoping to find a few Sandhill Cranes as they breed in the area and now and then a few of us are fortunate enough to not only observe them in farm fields as they seem to like to perch on hay bales or at the state game lands where they are known to show up in numbers, I did watch this pair meandering along a large field and enjoyed their antics and chatter;
About The Photographer
I volunteer at a local lake, belong to a few bird organizations and enjoy walking/hiking with friends who also love nature photography; Now and then we are fortunate enough to witness some delightful events among eagles or foxes or other wildlife;