Species: Orca / Killer Whale / (Orcinus orca) | Location: Peninsula Valdes, Patagonia, Argentina
A first row seat on beaches along Peninsula Valdes Argentina, brings with it an adrenaline packed experience with Mother Nature unplugged. It is here in Patagonia where Orcas have learning the unique skill of intentionally stranding themselves on the beach to catch sea lion pups. We spent 2 weeks, 10 hours per day sitting on the beaches of, a private sheep ranch straddling the northern coastline of Peninsula Valdes. See my Killer Whale Beach Blog at: http://www.pbase.com/wkimages/patagonia_argentina
About The Photographer
![Cropped killer whale beach attack patagonia argentina b klipp](https://s3.amazonaws.com/Photo_of_the_Day/uploads/photographer/image/1791/cropped_Killer_Whale_Beach_Attack_Patagonia_Argentina_B_Klipp.jpg)