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2016 Wildlife Photo Contest

Bobcat, Private property, Tucson, AZ, USA

Species: Bobcat | Location: Private property, Tucson, AZ, USA

This Bobcat,,which we believe is a female, was spotted stalking her prey in the front area of our property. We live in Tucson, AZ and Bobcats are common here, but we never had one on our property. We watched through our office window for a while. I then decided to get some pictures, so I ventured outside keeping my distance and using my telephoto lens. I didn't want to disturb her so I stayed on our porch and took a number of telephoto shots as she tracked her prey, which I believe was the many little ground squirrels we have here. She was intent on her mission and didn't seem to notice me. A beautiful cat.

Check out Gary’s photography website: https://www.flickr.com/photos/138436521@N05/
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