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2017 Wildlife Photo Contest

Black Bear, Algonquin Park, Ontario , Canada
Bear in the woods

Species: Black Bear | Location: Algonquin Park, Ontario , Canada

I was up in Algonquin enjoying a drive. From the distance I saw a black bear behind the gates. I pulled over to have a look. The bear was just starting to go back to woods. He turned around once and I took this photo. What a thrill to see a black bear with no one else nearby.

About The Photographer

Cropped naturescreech owl shots amazing 20170424 2138
I love taking photos. Wildlife owls and raptors are my favourites. For the past 5 years I am very interested in learning more about behaviour. Love watching and experiencing their actions. Ann Brokelman
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WWF & Natural Habitat Adventures. Discovering Our Planet Together.

Since 2003, Natural Habitat Adventures has partnered with World Wildlife Fund, the world’s leading environmental conservation organization, to offer conservation travel—sustainable travel that supports the protection of nature and wildlife. Nat Hab has provided more than $4 million to WWF and will continue to give 1 percent of gross sales plus $150,000 annually through 2023 in support of WWF’s mission to conserve nature and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of life on Earth.

Learn more about the Nat Hab/WWF partnership.