Species: Pileated Woodpecker | Location: Massachusetts, United States
You can tell a Male Pileated Wood pecker from a Female by the markings on the face, the male has red and the female has black.
Wow That's a lot of mouths to feed looks like their all saying FEED ME FEED ME!
By the markings on the babies faces starting to appear, there are 2 Baby Boys and a Girl, Look who Daddy chooses to feed First--- his Little girl!
About The Photographer
I'm a self taught Photographer based in Massachusetts. I enjoy hiding behind the camera instead of in front of it. By using Photography as a means to show wildlife to others that Love animals. Along my photo journey I've helped rescue Osprey, Seagull, Raccoon just to name a few.By donating several pieces to local schools, I to try and stimulate passion for wildlife at an early age. Tender Moments and Interactions are my Specialty! Enjoy!!
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