November Photo Challenge: Freeze Frame Wildlife
Our October Photo Challenge showed us some spectacular fall photos and thank you to all those that joined us with our inaugural challenge. We’re excited to keep this going with a new theme in November.
As background, each month we will give you a theme or a technique to work on as a guideline. Perhaps the theme is “Challenge: Backyard Photography” or maybe “Challenge: Using Fast Shutter Speeds.” Then, it’s up to you to get out there and show us what you’ve got!
Each time we announce our monthly challenge, you’ll have about two weeks to submit your star photo example of the Challenge’s theme. Once a winner is selected, they will get a featured post on The Natural Photographer, along with commentary as to why this photo was selected. Our hope is that this will be a great learning process, using your great photos as examples of how to master various techniques.
For November’s challenge, our theme is Freeze Frame Wildlife. What we’re looking for is your best shot of fast-moving wildlife that has been “frozen in time” with your camera. Basically, capturing a single moment in an otherwise motion-filled scene. Some examples may include birds in flight, bears sparring, a squirrel about to leap, or a cheetah mid-chase.
Looking forward to seeing your entries!
We’ll accept entries until the end of the day Wednesday, December 14th at midnight, at which time we’ll begin reviewing to select the winner!
November’s Photo Challenge has ended. Check back soon for the next Challenge!
Becki Williams
December 7, 2016 at 8:28 am
Emily Deemer
December 7, 2016 at 9:59 am
What the heck is in that pic?!
Hi Becki, It’s a humpback whale! Beautiful, isn’t it?