You all are making this very challenging for ME—so many exceptional entries! What I particularly like is the variety of scenes you’ve submitted. We’ve got some amazing astrophotography, incredible sunsets,…
One of my top goals when embarking on a nature and wildlife photo trip is to search for the unusual. This might be an unusual animal, unusual landscape, or both.…
Although the word “safari” often conjures up images of rolling hills and the savannas of Africa, a wildlife safari in India can be iconic and rewarding in an entirely different…
The loss of chlorophyll can be a beautiful thing, when summer turns to fall and leaves take on their magical sheen of yellows, oranges, reds, and in some places purples. If you…
Antarctica is teeming with legend, lure, and amazing stories of adventure. That’s why I love any chance to continue that tradition, like on an exclusive and adventurous Sailing Antarctica adventure…
There are certain places in the world where you get the absolute best of both worlds—extraordinary wildlife and some of the most stunning landscapes you will ever see. Namibia is…
Wildlife adventures tend to move the soul. For those of us that are borderline obsessive with nature, trips to view and photograph animals always result in unexpected surprises. Having just…